A very basic question but I've failed to get an apt answer to it from the intellectuals and the not so intellectuals of varied degrees. Includes me too and I often wonder in which category do I fall. I'm not taking any sides on this and just asking you and myself - WHY IS PROSTITUTION treated as a debauched and a libertine profession? What's there in this exchange of service that we find so disgusting and thus look down upon a prostitute as a last grade human being?
Being an Indian I can still quickly put the onus on the prevalent cultural values and say it's because sex itself is seen and treated as a "don't say it" word and thus anything attached to it gets the same treatment (then my question to you would be why sex is treated as such here). And though the west societies have progressed a lot in every f***ing sense but the stigma with the sex workers still remains. Why are we unable to respect a human being who lets us use his/her body to satisfy our need in lieu of a fixed rate that we both decide before doing that act of pure need and desire? What makes it so different from a service of a body massager, a hair trimmer, a pedicure provider etc etc?
We've been witness to many evils in society in past few centuries and slowly and steadily they've been wiped out with the evolution of the society. Prostitution on the other hand has grown in leaps and bounds all over the world right from the 18th century. Does this make it as naturally not so evil for the society? The argument may not impress you much but I fail to recognize the evils attached to prostitution. The one who doesn't want to visit a whore is not being forced and the one who wants to is free to do so. Just like no Sikh guy is forced to visit a hair cutting saloon located in the same locality that he lives and crosses it 13 times in a day.
I think it's enough to tickle your brains on this issue and get some ideas and answers out of you. Sex according to me is a need both physical and psychological for the human body and someone is just giving you food at his restaurant by charging you. It's your wish to have it there or not but can you really look down upon him/her running that business?
Jass Oberroi
P.S.- 1) *** stands for "uck"
2) No offenses meant by the title. The author (wow! happens to be ME) just loves playing with the "god" concept.
Ultimately though, the main reason why prostitution remains relevant till today is because sex has always been regarded as a highest form of pleasure for humans and thus explains peoples’ crave for it. Like any other types of transaction for pleasure purposes (eg. Purchasing of games etc), sex will remain an entity that is to be purchased if people continue to view it as something that can be bought and not sacred. It is sobering and lugubrious to know that sex is increasingly becoming something of a transaction as shown by the rise of the prostitution and pornographic industries; an act of bestial nature that desecrate the sanctity of the ultimate physical intimacy between fellow beings. Indeed, such is the scope and depth of its operations that complete eradication remains an idealistic notion...
@garry..if they are not judged on the basis of their character in other countries other than India...than y did jappi said that they are looked down upon their tooo???
@jatinder... That's what my question is... Why are they looked down upon just because of the profesion???
even a married couple who can legally have sex dnt announce their doing it every morning!! everybody hides the fact that they are doing it and ppl who have done it deny that they have. somehow sex has become a yardstick for measuring character. now when a married woman cannot say out loud that she did it do u think we will accept a woman doing it for money??sex workers are no different than us.but we have it woven in our mental fabric that they are bad so we think they are evil. sex is not bad never has been. sex is abt love life and much more.but we are never encouraged to do it ASAP!!
sex is like food. if u over eat u become fat and everybody calls u names. u over do sex ( i mean with multiple partners) ppl call u a slut and the likes. whats wrong in being fat?? whats wrong in being a slut?? enjoy ur body!! whats the big deal?? politicians kill nations together for money and power thats acceptable. doctors steal kidneys for money thats also okay but god forbid a lady enjoys sex or does it for the money!!!
monogamy is the norm all over the world?? what abt the 100 wives kings kept?? google polygamy and then rephrase ur comment
@srishti... Count the men that have been till date born and got married. Count the polygamous ones and the monogamous ones. Compare them.That's what we call a NORM - exceptions like kings or few individuals don't set norms...!!!
there are polygamus societies in the USA and the world over. what tiger woods did was cheat and he is a sex addict and he is being treated for it.that was his crime!!he was a married man and he cheated on his wife on several occasions and without her knowledge. multiple parteners and polygamy is different.polygamy is marrying legally and not going to random females. in a plygamus marraige all the wives stay in one complex types house and the husband cannot randomly go to anyone. there are rules and schedule. how do i knw so much?? HBO has made a movie on it. the name escapes me now.again good or bad i cant say but monogamy is not the norm. we wld like to assume that it is. and its not one exception. flip thru history almost all kings had many wives. the reason i dnt get it but they did. polygamy for sure has faded and is on a back burner.
ppl dnt like to come out with what goes on their personal/ marital lives thats why polygamy tho still exists but is not in the spotlight. yeah now that i think inliteral terms monogamy is the norm of the society but poly also is prevalent.
The idea of prostitution takes me back to the university days when we were studying the process of Commodification which by Marxist policy, to put it as simply as possible, means assiging an economic value to certain things not normally used for economic purposes. For example, a gender, contury, relationships, identity are all transformed to commercial relationships of buying and selling or the process of social relationships being 'reduced' to exchange relations. Karla, from Shantaram (Gregory David Roberts), mentions, "Hapiness is a myth which was only created to make us want to buy things." The idea offended me greatly. I mean human 'emotions' aren't we supposed to be the masters of our own emotions? The more I sort of thought about it, the more it sort of made sense that somehow everything that we do can be sold to! And we our ourselves guilty of doing the same but the idea of it repels us and makes us sound weak (atleast it did to me) and the feeling is not a good one. The idea of selling sex gives us the same discomfort and yet at some point of time we've all been buyers. Have we not at some point been guilty of watching porn (which might classify as the same maybe not in the obvious way)? Have we not fanatasized a hot hunk or a girl with skimpy clothes that appears on the idiot box in our living rooms? Isn't that selling sex in the indirect way? Have we ourselves not been sluts when we bought an outfit that made us feel sexy but might provoke some 'unspoken', 'indecent', 'taboo' thoughts, thoughts that mind give them a sexual satisfaction in somebody else's mind? It doesn't even have to be an outfit, it could simply be the way you look or the way you behave! I guess it's just the way we were 'built' we love to play the blame game to make us look better than the other.
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