Mar 8, 2010


For discussions and comments on this blog.The figure above should be taken as a definition of knowledge and any person claiming to be knowledgeable should meet the above set criteria.


Jas Oberoi said...

I love un-knowledgeable bloggers too... :)

-AP. said...

Sorry! I didn't understand this diagram, is this something related to Set-Theory?
Oh yes! it is.. well I usually don't like initial chapters of the books.. like Surds in 9th, Quadratic in 10th, Sets in 11th.. so I would skip them all.. bottom line..this is going over the top of my head since 'I lack the knowledge to understand Sets'.

I didn't know that one would need knowledge to derive knowledge.

Apologies, I'll be strictly following this blog since there are no constraints being levied on Spectators... let the show go on! :D


-AP. said...

And just incase some of you really like 'complex numbers', then this is something you might want to have a look at (This can be seriously boring, so viewers-self-discretion is advised).


Jas Oberoi said...

@ puri
This shouldn't be viewed as a constraint... It's an innocent try to DEFINE something very basic in discussions... :)

-AP. said...


(: Correct!

Sumira said...

Define knowledge? How oh HOW can one define knowledge?
I remember I was doing a survey once for my university work and I asked this man. "What is the hightest level of you education that you acheieved till date?"
He looks at smiles and says, "I am 72 and I am still learning, love."


I had this sudden urge to hug him then. Haha

Jas Oberoi said...

@ sumira

I don't go by this cliche that knowledge can't be defined... Though you can say that ultimate and perfect knowledge can't be defined...

Sumira said...

But looking at the enormity of the universe, HOW can we define knowledge?

Jas Oberoi said...

Knowledge isn't knowing everything about the universe... eg. knowledge about sweeping the floor with water and towel...

Sumira said...
