Is everyone of us EQUAL? Equally intelligent, equally fair, equally honest, equally smart or equally human? If your answer is "YES" then I'm making a fool proof prognostication and that's you not liking the remaining post.
Whether 'intelligently crafted' or 'just by chance' (surely another topic of gross debate), we all are just not so equal or uniform. If we venture out of our species the differences become huge but even if we stay in our very own homo sapien class the variations do surprise us. So just as two different parts of a system have different roles to play we ought to play DIFFERENT roles in this society. So am I drifting towards secretly legitimising the taboo of "caste system"? Not exactly but yes I gave you a vague idea of the origin of such practices.
So on what basis do we actually demand EQUALITY? On what grounds do we support and justify "Reservations"? You may come out with the old long word 'discrimination' as a universally accepted answer to this but I'll actually TALK to you about this today. Let's take the example of SC reservations in India. Roughly 22% of seats everywhere from education to employment are reserved for people belonging to this category (purely caste based). The justification given is that they were treated badly by the wicked upper caste ( today's poor general category) in earlier times so they are down trodden and need help to rise to the same level. I myself agree to this justification till this point but my definition of help differs. Should we provide them equal opportunities ( like schooling, tutoring, finances etc) or undue advantage? Like if a child is born in one such family and another in an upper caste family and they receive equal kind of schooling and coaching etc etc then aren't they equally deserving for admission into a prestigious college?
Plainly speaking I'm against glorification and success of undeserving people. Nature is a great leveler and I staunchly feel that given equal opportunities only the deserving pop up and that's how systems run efficiently. By painting red as blue we aren't making the sky beautiful but creating a fake cloud.
P.S. - the writer shouldn't be accused of 'caste-ism' --- he just doesn't love 'equality'.
Jass Oberroi